Friday 2 October 2015

Sannakji (Moving Octopuses)

                                                                Moving Octopus 

    Sannakji is one of a special delicacy in Korean. Sannakji is octopus, nakji means small actopus. It usually serves in a small bowl with sesame oil eaten while its still moving. its still moving even after they choped it into a hundred pieces. It beacuse of the nerves activity is made the tentacles moving.

   Many of you guys would have this kind of question in your head.... how to eat them? all those baby octopuses? This is the right way to eat all of them.. you need to cewing it really fast cause you would not like the octopus to latch into your throats and choke it. They can kill you if u not eat them right. Perhaps, you can it them with sesame oil. 


   What does it taste? most of the feedback said they taste really good but it is kinda scary to eat all of them will it still moving. You will find this dish at Bunsan in Korea. After i done my review this dish is quite hard to eat cause it is sticky and it will stuck where ever you put it . If you go to the reastaurant that provide this kind of manu you can asked them put serve it with garlic and onion.

   My opinion for this dish is, if you want to eat just to gain some experinces, you are allowed to, but make sure you it them right. if not..... you will die on the spot just right after you ate them. Make a right decision before you decide to eat. 

  So here i leave yoou guys with a video of a woman eating octopuses on youtube. So you guys can click on the link below. Hope you enjoy it !! 

                                                                                                      -NURUL NAJIHA-

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