Saturday 8 August 2015




  Fried spider is a regional delicacy in Cambodia . Throughout markets in Phnom Penh and in the small Cambodian town,fried Tarantula is a popular snack that locals and tourists simply love . People in Skuon called a - ping . If you find the right vendor, you my even get to handle a live tarantula if you're brave enough , and then take a bite .

  These spiders are Zebra tarantulas , which are native to the forests of Cambodia . It is normal to see a vender in Cambodia with several buckets full of live spiders , ready to fry up to the next hungry customer . The zebra tarantula has a nasty bite , so be sure not to get too close to the bucket unless you want to have a close encounter of the hairy , scary kind !

The taste has been described as bland, "rather like a cross between chicken and cod (genus gadus)", with a contrast in texture from a crispy exterior to a soft center. the legs contain little flesh, while the head and body have a delicate white meat inside'' .

  If you need a further incentive to try this Zebra tarantula , you should know that the local women believe that it will greatly enhance their beauty . Even the kids in Cambodia are brave enough to eat these deep fried tarantula , so don't be scared . Once you bit into this crispy fried tarantulas , you are sure to have a one of a kind experience .


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